Prof. Sebastian Morris

Research & Publication (Miscellaneous)


Examination Of Affordable Housing Policies In India

This paper provides a critique of the Indian Government’s programmes for affordable housing, namely the Rajiv Awas Yojana and Housing for All 2022. It analyses the efficacy of these policies in being able to provide the sections of the population who are unable

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International Foray Of Karuturi Global Ltd.

Karuturi Global Ltd. (KGL) is an Indian MNC which expanded overseas and has developed as one of the world’s top 25 transnational corporation in less than 15 years of its incorporation. It is one of the leading producers of cut roses with operations in Ethiopia,

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Economic Performance Of Gujarat In Recent Times

This paper reviews the growth and development of Gujarat, one of India's leading industrial states, and the reasons for its relatively high growth. It presents a synoptic review of the performance of the Gujarat economy since independence bringing out the underlying r

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Container Train Operations: Introducing Competition (A)

In May 2005, the Committee on Infrastructure took a decision that Ministry of Railways, in consultation with Planning Commission, would prepare a policy for permitting private and public sector operators to run container trains through the Indian Railways (IR) network

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Container Train Operations: Introducing Competition (B)

In October 2005, the representatives of the Planning Commission, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and Ministry of Shipping met to discuss the RITES recommendations to work towards framing a policy document for running container trains by private

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Issues In Real Estate And Urban Management: A Note

The Real Estate sector has become a very important growth sector after the liberalisation of the economy; it is the second largest employer in India, next only to agriculture, and it accounts for about 5% of the country’s GDP. The sector has significant linkages

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Land Markets In India: Distortions And Issues

There are certain inherent problems with land because of its peculiar characteristics, which impede the natural emergence of a well-functioning market. The legal and regulatory framework can potentially overcome these problems. In India, despite some reform efforts, t

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Towards Reform Of Land Acquisition Framework In India

The paper brings out the fundamental as well as the more important problems with the current framework of land acquisition in India, regulations on land and the functioning of land markets. It argues that reform is overdue and the current framework would be unsustaina

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Simhadri Super Thermal Power Project (A)

The Indian electricity sector was opened to the private sector under the Independent Power Producer’s (IPP) policy. The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), India's largest and perhaps most efficient generator had to respond to the changing scenario. It se

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Simhadri Super Thermal Power Project (B)

This case follows case (A) which discusses National Thermal Power Corporation’s (NTPC)- response to the Simhadri project that created a record of sorts in timely implementation of large projects and within a tight budget NTPC’s record of 39 months for a gr

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A Scheme For Efficient Subsidisation Of Kerosene In India

The total fiscal losses on account of kerosene subsidisation are in excess of Rs. 24,000 crore; far above the conventional estimates which do not recognise the fiscal cost of diversion and adulteration. These distortions are very severe. Worse still are the “thi

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Rural Infrastructure Needs A Fillip

The article evaluates the scope of rural development in India. It demonstrates that the Indian states weaknesses in cross-functional policy design and in coordination across departments and functions is the obvious cause of lack of rural development, and urges to reco

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Privatisation Today: A Discussion

The paper holds a discussion on the prospects of Privatization in India today. It suggests that privatization as such is no longer an issue in the country. The issue today is how best to carry the process forward and the priorities for privatization. It highlights tha

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India Infrastructure Report 2004: Overview

The text discusses and summarises the principal findings of the various articles in the report. It also develops the theme of ensuring value for government expenditures through inter alia Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Public Finance Initiatives (PFIs). Government expenditures on vital so

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Expenditure Accountability in India: The Interlinkages

The chapter brings out the nature of public expenditure accountability in India especially at the federal level. The perversities - large role for off budget items, the process that leads to expanding expenditures with little functional but much procedural control, ar

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Public Investments in India: Delays and Cost Overruns

Public Investments in India have witnessed large delays and cost overruns. The same are estimated and shown to continue to be large, even though they have declined despite many changes in economic policy. What has brought about change in efficiency of overall investme

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India Infrastructure Report 2003: Overview

The third report covers the processes involved in government expenditure and the perversities therein that result in poor accountability. A very broad approach of the expenditure process has been taken. The discussions are driven by the need for and the feasibility of

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The Challenge of Governance of India Today

This chapter attempts to delineate the possible role of governance oriented reform in India today. It raises conceptual and historical difficulties with the notion that sees governance failure as the cause of poor economic performance and discusses why there are certa

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India Infrastructure Report 2002: Overview

Second in the series, this report lays bare the policy and organisational failures that have spawned poor governance in India. It argues that rather than viewing poor governance as a cause, it has been more an effect. Many of the vested interests of today have been cr

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The Growth And Transformation Of Small Firms In India

The book covers the growth and transformation of small industries in the nineties and before. It  addresses policy issues and makes radical suggestions on how small industries can become the leading edge of India's competitiveness. Inter alia it covers the i

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India Infrastructure Report 2001: Overview

The first in the series, the book reviews infrastructure development since the reform of the Indian economy began in 1991, discussing the policies required to create an appropriate market structure for infrastructure provision along with its constraints as well as lay

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Blog (Miscellaneous)


Macroeconomic Challenges Posed by the COVID19 in India

Massive intervention in the capital markets to greatly enhance liquidity and reduce the policy rates would be necessary. Otherwise the financial sector would tumble like nine pins.  We suggest a rate cut by 1.5% and massive injection of liquidity well above the r

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Exporting Onions v/s Higher Learning

The HRD minister thinks he is doing right by preventing IIM, Bangalore, from taking up its Singapore campus project. First, the minister has violated the earlier permission granted to IIM-B by his own ministry. This is illustrative of a major risk i

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Restructuring The Oil Companies

Finally there is recognition that the public sector oil companies need to merge to allow them the size to be able to hold out against larger companies. All kinds of red herrings are being put forward and it is important that we do not get this wrong. We have already w

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Petroleum: Remove Price Control, Reform Taxes

The administered pricing mechanism (APM) for oil products was dismantled in April 2002. But the nightmare continues for oil companies, investors, consumers and even the government. At least the APM had a ‘logic’, however questionable. To call what we

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